Single Shot Sunday: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle…

reduce_reuse_recycle_elengrey_september_2013 (1280x956)

It was time for another trek to Edwards Gardens this week. Though it is technically summer, the sky was autumnal blue. The air was crisp and clean. It was hovering around 64 Fahren.

I was wearing a fleece vest and sunscreen.

I wanted to take this home.

Back my Hyundai right down the path and load her up.

Much grunting would be involved.

And sweating.

Grunting and sweating.

And a invisibility cloak.


2 thoughts on “Single Shot Sunday: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle…

  1. I want to raise my hand and confess something: I just can’t take a shot like this one. I can take really, really close shots; and I can take landscapes. But shots from this range? They kill me. But this one gets it, with the shaft of light resting on the flowers growing out of the stump; and the hot spots of color below.





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