Clost Shot Friday 069 and Feed Finds…

IMG_7504_vintage_dodge_truck_elengrey_september_2014 (956x1280)

Don’t look in the upper left corner and you won’t go blind. I should have taken my own advice. I’m still blinking dots.

Still, I love this vintage truck so much. The windows look like they might’ve melted a little bit.

That bumper is hanging on for dear life.

Somebody fled and left the door open. Did you notice that?

She’s probably having a triple hit of espresso at Balzac’s right now.

That’s where I’d be if the bumper was hanging by a bolt on my vintage truck, and the windows were all melty, and the headlights were gone, baby, gone.

You got a shot of the hood, the grill here.

Wait until you see the interior.

I’m saving that for a special moment.

Meanwhile, back on the intertoobs. Let’s do a little…

Feed Finds

For Organic Foodies Everywhere ~ @ Eye Candy Popper – ECP’s Heirloom Tomato, Zucchini and Goat Cheese Stack. ECP is a French Canadian eco-blogger with a passion for healthy living. We share a love of tomatoes and locally grown food, among other things. Click on over.

For DIY Lovers ~ @ The Lettered Cottage – Layla’s Laundry Room Countertop and Reclaimed Wood Shelves. I’ve been reading Layla for a while. She has such a love for everything she does. And one of the things she loves best is repurposing salvage finds. I have lust in my heart for what she’s done with this old door. Shh. Don’t tell her. Click. On. Over.

For Writers and Other Multitaskers ~ @ Kristen Lamb’s Blog – Multi-Tasking vs. Multi-Focusing – Be Fruitful Not Busy. Kristen always dishes the tough love with a healthy dose of humor. As a writer, she’s one of my go-to reads. Click. Click. Click.

For Humor Lovers ~ @ WebDonuts – Mike Gruhn’s Twist. I never miss Gruhn humor. It lands in my mailbox every morning. Clickety click. And then click some more.

TGIF, baby.

You know what to do. Meet you in the bar in 3…2…1…


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