Single Shot Monday: Razzle-Dazzle It…

Our Town had their Christmas tree lighting ceremony and fireworks this weekend. It had an Our Town quality.

We’ll just call this Single Shot Subject today.

Blogging outside the Monday box.

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It’s a biggin’!

There was more than one.

IMG_2220_tree_lighting_2_elengrey_december_2015 (785x1280)


There were plenty of fireworks. Just in case those Christmas lights weren’t enough sparkle.

IMG_2246_tree_lighting_3_elengrey_december_2015 (1280x1049)

We’re doing choreography!

And iPhoneography.

I might have been watching White Christmas last night. Eating Thai food. Mebbe.

And Monday is in the house.

Razzle-Dazzle it!


6 thoughts on “Single Shot Monday: Razzle-Dazzle It…

  1. We saw some pretty lights in our city this week, and it was magical! It made me feel excited about Christmas in a way I haven’t experienced in a while. No fireworks for us, though. 🙂

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