So… Chive, Jive, and Stayin’ Alive…

IMG_0034_chives_elengrey_june_2009 (1280x720)

My chives are jivin’!

This is a click from June 2009. I don’t recall seeing them last year.

Think it’s time to plant some more?

I think I moved them and they took umbrage.

Uppity alliums.

I love all alliums.

All alliums I do love.

The end.

IMG_0522_blossoms_elengrey_april_2010 (1280x590)


They’re doing that crazy hand jive.

Taken in April 2010 at Edwards Gardens, Toronto.

Note to self: Visit EG in April 2016.

I love all blossoms, especially at the hind end of February.

The end.

I might have the word  J I V E  on the brain today.

Rhymes with hive, dive, and stayin’ alive.

Now I’m thinking about disco.

Oh dear!

Better end this post before I start thinking about krumping.

No good can come from that.

Tuesday, y’all.


P.S. You want to click those bad boys bigger. Just a suggestion.

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