Single Shot Monday + Untitled Blah, Blah, Blah…


Yeah. That’s the suspension bridge I was talking about in the Friday post. The one at Ferris Provincial Park in Campbellford. No biggy, unless you need to lie down on your stomach and hug the ground along a cliff path…………. like I do. Those plants and rocks are farther down than you think.

Sometimes writing feels just like that.

I’m thinking of signing all my images that way. Front and center. No? Okay. Have it your way.

I hit send on two short stories for 52Stories52Weeks in the wee smalls this morning. One was 2525 word count — the longest submitted to date. The other was 664 word count. Let the critiquing begin.

Flexing the writing muscle. Woot!


I looked down and clicked right before clambering off the end.

My eyes are barely functioning slits this morning, so I had to have some carrot lentil soup for breakfast. Who am I kidding? I would have eaten it anyway. Totes. I’m mainlining decaffeine. Yes. Decaffeine. Because if I had full octane, my eyes would be barely functioning slits with a twitch.

It’s hard to be me.

And, yes. I was post title challenged this morning. I’m thinking of adopting the number system. It’s infinite.

And Monday is in the house.

Git yer Monday on!

I could so have titled this post I Like Big Clicks And I Cannot Lie.

Just sayin’.


9 thoughts on “Single Shot Monday + Untitled Blah, Blah, Blah…

  1. I’ve never seen a bridge like that. Awesome peek into your decaffeinated world.
    My entry for today’s title: “Bridge over troubled writer”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Excellent photos and fun post–as always!

    Good luck on the stories! One of my stories was published last fall. A publisher is–perhaps only as a favor–looking at my novel-in-manuscript “Layin’ in the Grave So Long.” Wish me luck!

    Liked by 1 person

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