Humpity Day: Pick Your Own Title…

I don’t know why, but these little cuties make me think of false eyelashes.

The diggers are coming tomorrow.

I’m ready.

Ready for the diggers, but not for the fencers.

Almost ready for the fencers.

I’ll be vacating the premises.

In Other News ~ 

City Kitty is coming for a visit. She is going to be thoroughly pissed miffed. Really, it’s the first one, but I try to keep it family friendly here most of the time.

Let’s get real. She’s a pissy kitty.

I’m all Yippee! City Kitty’s coming!

She’s all Mount Doom, Seriously? Again, mama?

Here be Hump Day.

Get over it, City Kitty!


The above image was taken at Evergreen Brick Works during Summer Wednesdays.

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