Single Shot Monday: It’s Green They Say…

Monday Vibe!

Who doesn’t love a fern?

This was taken back in the day — 2011.

In my own back garden.

It makes me feel all green and leafy.

And gives me hope for spring.

Garden hygge.

Just sayin’.

And Monday is in the house.

This be a blog quickie. For it is Monday.

What’s your Monday vibe?


9 thoughts on “Single Shot Monday: It’s Green They Say…

  1. I’m standing on the curb, by the roadside where cars are whizzing by, seemingly unaware that kids are standing there, waiting for the signal change and my lead to cross. I’ve got my fingers crossed, hoping like Hell that I make it through another day without getting fun over by these idiot drivers. Maybe my bright yellow coat needs washing so it becomes brighter yellow. I’m too nervous (and cold, today) to vibrate. That was more than a ‘quickie’ but I had to vent. 🤪 Yes, I’m looking forward to Spring!

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  2. Answering on Tuesday, I can say that my Monday vibe was… uninspired. Lord love a duck, I don’t know that I could have done more things less well than I did yesterday. However, today is Tuesday so ever onward.

    Liked by 1 person

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