What Was I Saying?…

Lookit Dat!

Banana Cream Daisies for the win. Nothing beats this frontscape moment. The moment when the banana cream daisies start to bloom.

I could linger in a wicker chair for hours just taking in their beauty, their name… thinking about pie. Banana cream pie. Second only to chocolate cream pie, which is second only to coconut cream pie.

What was I saying?


I chillaxed Canada Day Weekend, straight through 4th of July Weekend, right into Tuesday evening when I am now writing this post. And by chillax I mean weeding the gardens within an inch of their lives, laying down fresh mulch in the frontscape, watering containers every other minute, hanging out laundry, running the short order grill, and languishing in the high humidexes when languishing was called for.

We could sure use a bit of that rain that made everything grow eleventy-hundred feet in the late spring. I can hear the plants swallowing. Poor little buggers.

I’m leaving water out in the shade for critters.

What can I say?

It’s kept me off the social medias, which makes me a little less cray-cray.

Here be Hump Day.

Thursday is just around the corner.

Please regale me in the comments with your adventures.

Catch me up.


This image was taken in the frontscape on this day, June 2019.

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