Tuesday Post: Insert Daft Cackle Here…

Line Dancing!

Tuesday is the new Monday.

Yesterday being the Civic Holiday and all.

I am happy dancing. It’s pouring rain, which means no watering. No. Watering. And I’m already home from the farm market so my hair is not plastered to my head and you cannot see through my white t-shirt. Woohoo! What a Tuesday.

In Other News ~

The en suite bathroom is ready for spackling and sanding. I’m hoping I picked a true color for this room and not Simply White. A little afraid to check my master upgrade plan.

Insert daft cackle here.

There were eleventy-hundred empty inhalers and scrip bottles and expired otc drugs under the vanity sink. I’m talking going back years. Out of sight. Out of mind.

Hi. My name is Elen and I’m a hoarder.

Tuesday, y’all.

Make it work.


This image was taken in the side garden, August 2019. Chocolate Daylilies.

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