Behold! The Before Pics…

Back in May, I wrote a post: In other words, no mo’ grass… telling all the land that men with tools and machinery would be digging up my frontscape to build a little patio (to go along with the new porch and stairs that had been built the previous year), and take my weed lawn to the next level.

This is what we were dealing with. Behold the Before Pics…

A tree once rented that space, putting a nice curve in my neighbor’s hedge. It was a beautiful tree, and I wept buckets when they removed it, but it was leaning and hovering well above our second story.

I was already busy digging out this perennial bed and moving the plants to the back garden. Some went into the ground, some into a wheelbarrow. You can just see the new porch to the right. But I blogged that last year.

This is what I called the holy line of demarcation. It leads to the back gate. The men with tools and machinery were not to dig beyond this point. They didn’t. They were good men.

The is the sum total of our front garden. I call it the microscape. I was never so happy to have such a small footprint as when I got the bill. Mercy!

Stay tuned tomorrow. Them digger fellers are coming.

For Writers ~ @ Terribleminds, 25 Things You Should Know About NaNoWriMo. Chuck Wendig thinks in 25 things. This works for me. Did I mention that his writing is provocative? Click on over.

For Food Lovers ~ @ Steamy Kitchen, Warm Bacon Potato Salad. Jaden Hair has got my potato salad number. And, hello…BACON! Clickity, clickity.

For Chicken Lovers ~ @ The Art of Doing Stuff, The Ugly Little Chicken — A Love Story. Karen has been regaling me with her chicken stories for a while now. If you aren’t reading her, you should be. Cluck, I mean click away.

TGIF, baby!