Hanging Out in Matinee-land…

Do you find this to be true?

You experience a long drought — a dry spell, I tell ya — when there just aren’t any movies out there to see in Matinee-land.

I’m trying not to obsess over the lack of an accent mark over that first e. MW says either/or, but this just screams “knee” to me, not “nay”. Saturday, we went to the mati(knee).

Moving along.

All of a sudden — bam! — you’re seeing one movie right after another.

Yep. That’s what happened to us.

Yep. Yep. We leave our hearth and home and travel down the road to mingle with other bipedal uprights; slouching in chairs with feet up on rails, and consuming copious quantities of coke and popcorn — not me!

We go to The Show.

We risk the traffic, the weather, the potential for creepy crawlies to well… creep and crawl, the fug air, and our precious ears for the big screen experience.

I can’t speak for Mr. G, honey, but part of the big screen experience for me is audience reaction. I want to smell it, hear it, taste it, feel it.

When do they laugh? When do they gasp? When do they crawl under the seat like a girl? (Oops. That might be me.) When do they cry like babies?

I’m crying like a baby just watching the trailer for War Horse. I’m not sure I can take it on the big screen.

Recently in Matinee-land, we saw this ~

I wanted to sew all my worldly goods into the hem of my skirt after seeing this film. Monetary thrills and chills.

Then we saw this ~

Help me, Rhonda. I expect Oscar nominations for Michelle Williams and the Cinematographer, Ben Smithard. A truly talented ensemble cast.

And this~

Michell Pfeiffer, I heart you. That is all. I get right into these series vignette movies. Sarah Jessica Parker wins Best Clogs in a Vignette category. The girl can walk the shoe runway.

Yup, matinee ‘ho.

You? Any Matinee-land finds to report? Tell all.

For Writers ~ @ Terribleminds, Wendig’s, 25 Things Writers Should Know About Rejection. Wendig’s not a sugar coater. Gird your writing rejection loins. Click on over.

More For Writers ~ @ Girlfriends Book Club, Karin Gillespie’s All Work and No Play* Makes a Dull Writer. When Crazy Daisy meets Ms. Grind. Clickety, click.

For Christmas Tree Lovers Everywhere ~ @ Design Milk, Modern Christmas Tree, posted by Jaime. Yep. Click. Def.

For Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup Lovers ~ @ HuffPost Kitchen Daily, Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup Recipe Combos. Six sandwiches to combine with six soups. Be still my Northern Girl heart. Click. On. Over.

TGIF, baby!