Close Shot Friday 036

IMG_4441_skaneateles_new_york_september_2013 (1280x956)

The way the shafts of light are coming in from the left makes me think of another time.

An olden time.

Days gone by.

Week in Review ~

It’s only the 10th day of 2014, and so far this year I’ve:

  • Learned two new terms — 1) arctic vortex, also referred to as polar vortex, which is a shorter way of saying you are going to freeze your harbles off, if you have any; and 2) Frost Quake, which is when water seeps into rock, freezes, and then expands and goes boooooom! We had this happening in the GTA during the recent holidays. Good times.
  • Signed on for four months of Tai Chi — There are 108 movements to learn. I figure I will need to take the class twice. I’m okay with that. The G-pup went through puppy class twice. And I’m the Alpha Pup. So… Mr. G, honey and I will be doing this together. It was this or yoga. Enough said.
  • Started reading Kristen Lamb’s Rise of the Machines: Human Authors in a Digital World. Google on over. You’ll find it in more than one format. I’m inhaling it like it was my favorite cheeseburger. My favorite cheeseburger? Blue cheese with grilled mushrooms and onions. There might be meat in there somewhere. If you’ve got a favorite cheeseburger, shout it out in the comments. Or just shout it out. It’s your call.
  • Had a Fitbit Zip embedded in my body attached to my cami. Apparently, I might be missing some serious zip in my fit. Mebbe. One of two things will happen. I will either embrace that which is the Fitbit Zip, or I will stomp it into permanent quietude and bury it in the back garden. I’ll let you know.
  • Oh, got that pesky flu jab. I was waiting on new serum to arrive. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

There you have it in highlights.

The usual stuff happened, but it was — you know — the usual.

TGIF, baby!

You know what to do. Meet you in the bar in 3…2…1…


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