Humpity Day: This…


Captured in just the right light, this is straight out of the camera. No filter. Somebody got lucky.

In Other News ~

This should probably be a tale told under True Confessions… or in the confessional. While I did step away from social media for the weekend, I did not get out in nature. I did not take a hike. I did not do self care. Unless, you consider nature-hike-self care  standing on a ladder wielding a paint roller.

That Simply White will simply not roll itself. Finally having a burst of energy after the apocalypse virus, I got to it. The long haul, entry and entry closet got a fresh coat of ceiling paint and the walls got primed. No more shades of red and green…. just the pasty white that is primer.

This flowed into Monday and Tuesday, but I’m almost finished with the first coat of Simply White throughout that space. The only discernible color is the antique bronze door knob on the powder room door. I’m not kidding. Have mercy!

It’s shocking to look at all that white without the pops of color — like you see right at the top of this post — that will be in textiles and art. I remind myself that it’s a process.

So. After seven months and three weeks of Mon-Fri blogging, I broke my blogging momentum. I realize that in order to get this huge painting project done, I’m going to have to claw back the blogging. It will probably be a M-W-F thang, but some weeks it might only be T-Th. I have to be realistic.

Just being transparent.

Here be Hump Day.

Nothing to see here.


Chained to the Paint