This is What a Grand Champion Looks Like, Sugar…

Did I say yesterday?

I meant today.

IMG_1685_ph_fair_1_elengrey_september_2015 (1280x739)Sunday, we cruised down the road to Port Hope (Pop. 16,214) for their annual agri-fair. It was our first time. We’ve been doing a lot of first fairs this summer/autumn. And when I say autumn, I mean September. Though, as of yesterday, we are technically into autumn in this hemisphere.

It was the perfect fair day — mid sixties and sunny. Great for all that hoofing you’re going to do.

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We’re in a pickle!

IMG_1710_ph_fair_2_elengrey_september_2015 (667x1280)We started in the Town Park Recreation Centre with the photography, junior competitions in vegetables and baking, quilting and rug-hooking and knitting.

From there we moved to the Fall Fair Centre, where they were doing a pulled pork cooking demo, showing and judging field crops, fruits and vegetables, plants and flowers, and all things farm.

Outdoors, we watched an iron monger make a nail, visited a tent on agricultural awareness, which included a hostel for Monarch butterflies at every stage of their development. Grow little Monarchs, grow!

They were doing pup and baby goat agility training demonstrations in one outdoor arena, dog agility trials in another. Chickens, ducks and geese were being judged (and not found wanting) in a tented arena.

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This is what a Grand Champion looks like, sugar. Look your fill.

The 4-H Club members were showing goats. And let me say I had no idea how many varieties of goats there are.

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Can I go home now? Now? Now!?

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Do I have to go home now? Now? Now!? This is good eatin’.

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How you doin’?

And beef cattle. Young Canadian farmers and their little moo-ers were everywhere.

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Look At Me!

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Don’t Look At Me!

We stopped by an arena where young equestrian girls were relay racing flags and dropping them in barrels from one end of the field to the other. One horse surprised a Holy Crap! out of his rider when he showed great enthusiasm for the competition. He was in the wind. It might’ve been a highlight of my agri-fair experience. Mebbe.

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You Shall Not Pass!

Children from 80 to toddler were enjoying all that the Midway had to offer from corn dogs to fresh cut fries to giant slides and dizzying rides.

We socialized with the Rotarians. They were grilling onions to go with their burgers, and I don’t think I’ve tasted a better flavor on a sausage anywhere……… yet.

We saw a clown and horse drawn wagon rides and listened to Switchgear Band.

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And its name is… Mine!

I didn’t get my face painted or have a pony ride — dang those age and height limits — but I did swoon more than once at the Show-N-Shine Classic Car expo.

Next year, I’m going on Saturday so I don’t miss the tractor pull.

Just sayin’.
