On This Very Day…

Taken in August of 2011 from a footbridge in a little park in London, Ontario. BI (Before iPhone)

I wanted to instantly miniaturize myself so that I could explore.

Okay. Just for fun and because I’ve been out in the back garden raking up leaves like the Energizer Bunny before the rains come. Again.

Here’s what I wrote on this very day in 2008. Yes, I have been blogging for 11+ years.


One of my in-town friends dropped around yesterday. After getting me thoroughly buzzed on caffeine and girl talk — yeah, livin’ on the edge — she pronounced her job done and headed out the door. I love my girlfriends.

Standing on the front walk getting the last bit of chat in, my bud saw a robin fly into the top of our Blue Spruce. She let out a mighty whoop and declared it officially spring. “When you see your first robin that’s when you know spring is finally here,” she said. Folk wisdom.

I mark spring differently. Pedicure Season. Closely related to Barbecue Season, which my next door neighbor kicked off last week. This is when I start thinking about the professional pedi and colors so hot they sizzle. In my little burg, you see Daniella for this. She gives the best pedi in town. The foot and calf massage is capital B bliss.

I’m an OPI girl when it comes to polish. I prefer the burgundy tones like Got the Blues for Red, or red tones like I’m Not Really a Waitress Red. But for this first pedi of the season, I’m thinking of going with one of their new SoftShades — Makes Men Blush, or Kiss on the Chic. What woman doesn’t want to wear something called Makes Men Blush? I’m picking up the Cell now. Punching in the numbers. Oh yeah.

In no particular order, other signs of spring for this northern girl:

yoga pants & t-shirts — top-down convertibles — cold cereal — antihistamines — Starbucks’ Iced Skinny Mocha – no whip — skateboards — baseball — cruising — flirty skirts — open air cafes

Oh. And windows need doin’.

Tell me your signs of spring. (April 17, 2008)


I can’t believe I forgot flip-flops in this list.

Here be Hump Day.

Let’s get spring-y with it.
