Close Shot Friday 093… + Insta



This is going to be so quick and dirty today, you’re going to think I got nuthin‘, which is an actual tag on this blog.

i is for instagram

What is it?

Instagram is a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your mobile phone, then choose a filter to transform the image into a memory to keep around forever. We’re building Instagram to allow you to experience moments in your friends’ lives through pictures as they happen. We imagine a world more connected through photos. ~ From Instagram FAQ

It launched in 2010 — a free app for iPhone and Android. Pretty sure I haven’t been using it that long. I never jump on the latest new thing. I’m a late bloomer in all things. It’s just the way I roll.

Instagram has certainly evolved from “We’re building Instagram to allow you to experience moments in your friends’ lives through pictures as they happen.”

Are you into Instagram, too?

I follow photographers, designers/lifestyle bloggers, food bloggers/photographers, travel bloggers, and any individuals who catch my attention. It’s a visual feast.

Do you insta?

There’s an Instagram widget in the sidebar of this bloggity. It always shows the latest two insta shots on my Instagram.

I’m wondering how many times I can type the insta word into this post, giving you the illusion that I’m actually blah-blahing about something other than I got nuthin’.

Close Shot Insta

IMG_6462_after_the_rain_insta_elengrey_june_2014 (1280x956)

Possibly my fave Insta.

IMG_9620_winter_shovel_insta_elengrey_february_2015 (1279x1280)

I put a #GlazeApp on it.

IMG_7358_gracie_insta_elengrey_2014 (598x800)

I put some #Cartoonatic on it.

IMG_9507-1_soup_insta_elengrey_2014 (1280x1280)

I put some #WordSwag on it.

It’s an Insta-world out there.

Here be Friday. Have a little Insta fun.

Brought to you by the Letter I.

TGIF. You know what to do. Meet you in the bar in 3…2…1…


Oh, you can follow my Instagram by clicking on the camera icon under Connect With Me in the side bar. Scroll up, baby.