Single Shot Monday: So… A Blast


… from the past.

2013 to be exact. When that whole Coastal Maine trip thing was going on. This was from a boat tour. One of many of the rock face clicks that I took.

I think of it as endurance, as in duration… permanence, though I suppose nothing is in the greater scheme of things. This comes damn close.


National Let’s Laugh Day.

Yes. Let’s do.

“Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand.” ~ Mark Twain

After socializing with the Anglicans on Sunday, I was sitting in a diner over a plate of bacon and scrambled, when I looked up to see a gentleman two booths over waving to get my attention. He said, “You look just like Meryl Streep. The whole table thinks so.”

I blinked, laughed and said, “Thank you!” All the while I was wondering… at what age?

There’s a giggle right there.

I’m a huge Streep fan and absolutely any age works for me. It wasn’t the first time. Must be the cheekbones and the pale skin.

And Monday is in the house.

Own it.


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