Tuesday Post: Tell Me. Tell Me Now…

Market Tulips!

Taken in April, 2014 at a little market in Toronto. I posted in then, but who can get enough of all that color? And hope. It feels all April-y. Unlike this April, which feels all February-y.

I’ll Take Your Answers ~ 

What’s your salt fix?

French fries? Potato chips? Cheetos? Vegetable chips? All the nuts? A salt lick?

What? Whaaaat?

Tell me. Tell me now.

You’ll get my answer tomorrow. I don’t want to be an answer influencer.

I haven’t decided what I think about the word influencer yet.

It requires further rumination.

Tuesday, y’all.


6 thoughts on “Tuesday Post: Tell Me. Tell Me Now…

  1. OMG, I’m heading to the grocery store (Wegmans) to do weekly shopping and you reminded me to get pretzels, but I get the ‘no fat, no salt’ (no taste) kind. I know, but you get used to it. 🥨

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