It’s a mystery…

Remember this?

mystery_vine_5_elengrey_july_2013 (1280x1065)

The mystery vine?

Those carrots are really growing, by the way. I ate a test carrot. Yummies. That pot has been moved to another section of the back garden, along with the woodland violets, to make way for the new vegetable garden container for next season.

compost_vine_elengrey_august_2013 (1280x956)

The mystery blossom?

And here, some close shots in July.

Son of Sharecroppers left a comment on Close Shot Friday 015. He got it right.

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Mystery Squash 1 ~ This is the largest specimen so far.

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Mystery Squash 2 ~ Aw. The baby. She’s nesting on an upside down garden basket. And heading west. Go West, Young Squash, go West!

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Mystery Squash 3 ~ Looks like classic acorn to me. I eat a lot of squash. What can I say?

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Mystery Squash 4 ~ I have no idea. Yikes! I just noticed the snail. It must emigrate immediately.

Yes, things are looking a little mucky, yucky, slimed. We had tor-ren-tial downpours yesterday. Buckets, baby. It left the mystery vine soaked and slimed.

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Mystery Squash 5 ~ Almost missed her. She’s squashing right on top, in the center of the compost. It’s comfy, and I’m going nowhere!

That’s all I’ve found so far. I had to crawl around and make like a contortionist to get these shots for you.

You’re welcome.

You get to do whatever you want on your birthday. It’s a rule in our house.

So I did.

I crawled around like a contortionist.

I know how to have a good time.
