Close Shot Friday 055

First peony blossom of the season.

IMG_6660_first_peony_elengrey_june_2014 (1280x720)

Oh, do click it bigger.

The fragrance makes me swoon.

IMG_6660_first_peony_elengrey_june_2014 (2) (1280x720)

I’m undecided.

Go ahead. Weigh in.

Any exciting plans for the weekend?

I hope to take a ride in the country. A little ride along a country road. Maybe I’ll see these wee beasties again.

You know what to do. Meet you in the bar in 3…2…1…


9 thoughts on “Close Shot Friday 055

  1. Prefer the colour. All-white loses the detail. Weekend plans? Yes I do: watch England lose, shoot head shots for someone else’s blog, watch a young man finish his sidewalk pastel of John A MacDonald, but no bar.


  2. I like the idea of the black-and-white, but I agree with buntymcc that the details are lost. You might try reprocessing it. You should be able to keep all of the detail even when you render it black-and-white.


  3. I like them both (peonies are one of my favorites), but i give the color an edge. There’s a subtle delicacy in it that gets lost, I think, in the monochrome one. I do a lot of cloud shots, and I debate a lot about whether they look better with or without the light blue of the sky – not to mention the change that happens in the white of the clouds.

    Sometimes, with bright and boisterous colors, I may like the B&W better, but with subtle colors I MAY like the color better. Judgement call, personal taste, who knows? 8^)


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