Close Shot Friday 088… Not Even Blush

red_sand_pei_elenrey_september_2012 (1089x1280)

This was taken on PEI in September of 2012 at New Glasgow.

We had just finished lunch at the Prince Edward Island Preserve Company. Just stretching our legs after filling our bellies.

I love the color of the sand on PEI.


Could my feet be more pale?

Winter pale in September.

OPI Alpine Snow pale.

The natural state of my skin 24/7 365.

Not even blush.

Looks like a few feet have gone before me.

Why you are getting this particular click on Close Shot Friday, I have no idea.

Maybe it has something to do with my annual visit to the optometrist this morning.

Once a year, I go there for a session of spaz blinking.

It’s the puffer machine. I call it the puffer machine. It’s actually the pressure test.

But the minute my chin hits the rest, my eyes go into spaz blinking.

Some years, they just don’t get the pressure test done.

Moving along.

We actually discussed macular degeneration and my pale skin and strawberry blonde hair all in the same sentence.

It’s on my pale genetic code.

For some reason, that made me think of the red sands of PEI and this image.

Elen brain.

TGIF, baby!

You know what to do. Meet you in the bar in 3…2…1…
