Fridaaaaay!… Go Green

A Bit o’ the Green!

This sits on my desk. I look at it every day and wait for my seeds to arrive in the mail.

It needs to be soon.



Now, okay?

Today, I’m wearing my green eyes, green sweater, green earrings… and orange socks. Nobody can see those. They’re stuffed into DAV ankle boots, which are black. Pretty much the basic wardrobe is black. Not much to coordinate there. Throw on a pop of color — like green for St. Paddy’s Day — and you’re done. Even the iPhone case is green.


I’m thinking in green today.

Aren’t you just green with envy?


Moving right along.

True Confessions ~

I watched a few movies this month.

Finding Dory (2016) — Not just for kids. It was a kick.

Lion (2016) — We all left the theater feeling a little shocky and bruised. It was the most powerful film I’ve seen in 2017.

Jackie (2016) — History, biography. Natalie Portman. What’s not to love there? I might be suffering from secondhand smoke. Mebbe.

Passengers (2016) — IMDb labels it adventure/drama/romance. iTunes labels it sci-fi/fantasy. Take your pick. I liked this more than G-Man, but then I’m a sucker for special effects and a good bartender. Still. I thought the real story was missing from the reel. Let me know what you think.

There might have been more, but those stuck in my brain.

What have you seen? Anything?

Here be Friday in all its wintry March glory.

Now. Go get your green on.

You know what to do. Meet you in the bar in 3…2…1…

Guinness, I say!



4 thoughts on “Fridaaaaay!… Go Green

  1. I just ordered wildflower seeds from Cheerios to help save the honey bees. Finding Dory is an excellent movie and I want to see Passengers. There is ZERO green here. Just white, white, and dirty white. UGH snow…

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