Single Shot Monday: Rinse and Repeat… +

After the Rain!

The Stellas are coming. The Stellas are coming.

Stella d’Oro Daylily.

Hemerocallis ‘Stella de Oro’.

Okay. A bunch of them are here already. I have them everywhere. They do not disappoint. Bright yellow flowers. Spiky green leaves.

When I took this click a couple of weeks ago, they were just a gleam in my gardening eye.


It rained and rained and rained all weekend, which we needed. The grass looked like August. Burnt.

This is for Courtney ~ The Newsroom is fabu. Can’t look away. No, I cannot. We’re almost finished with the first season, and the second is on hold at the library. Aaron Sorkin is amazeballs a brilliant screenwriter, director, producer, playwright. On second thought, I’ll just stick with amazeballs. Pacing is fast, fast, fast, which was my reaction to West Wing the first time I saw the series. I turn on subtitles until I get used to the speed-talking.

Anybody else do that?

So thanks for the rec.

I’ve picked the lettuce for dinner, visited the dump, caught up with what’s growing in the neighborhood. Time to make a smoothie before what I hope is my last visit to the dentist for several months.

I know. Thrilling.

Small life living.

And Monday is in the house.

Rinse and repeat.


4 thoughts on “Single Shot Monday: Rinse and Repeat… +

  1. We had dayliiies. They were some of my favorite flowers, but the deer ate them. Every last bloom. Every summer. Two years ago we got rid of the flowers, putting some small barberry bushes in their place. Deer don’t munch on them, but I miss my daylilies which were called Happy Returns. Such irony.

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